Request My ID Number

Request My ID Number
Your ID Number, GU Student ID, Alumni Membership Number, and Banner ID are all one and the same. Places to find this number are:
  • If you are a member of the Alumni Association, your ID Number is printed on your membership card.
  • If you are GU faculty or staff your ID Number is printed on your ID card.
If you do not have access to these resources, you may submit a request using the following form. The information you submit will be verified with your record at Gonzaga University. Discrepancies between submitted data and your Gonzaga record will cause delay in processing your request. We appreciate your interest in the Alumni Association’s Online Community!

*All fields are required

Email Required Field

Please specify the type:
Please specify the type:

Open the calendar popup.

Gonzaga Affiliation Required Field
Gonzaga Affiliation

Would you like us to update your alumni record with the information submitted on this form?
Update My Alumni Record Required Field
Update My Alumni Record